Modul 1 - Assistant canyoning guide
Wed, 05 Jun
Registration is already underway and the number of places is limited.

Čas & Lokacija
05 Jun 2024, 09:00 – 14 Jun 2024, 19:00
Bovec, Rupa 15, 5230 Bovec, Slovenija
O usposabljanju
The Canyoning association of Slovenia announces the term for Module 1 – Course for assistant canyoning guide, on 05th of June 2024 (the date of the course may change due to the weather and the number of applicants, course participants will be notified of the change at least 10 days before the start). The course will take place in Slovenia and abroad. The price of the course is 1150€ and must be paid upon application. The price does not include the cost of transportation and accommodation. The training course lasts 10 days and in principle runs every day from 9:00 to 17:00 (hours can vary).
You can read more about the course in the call: